(UPDATE 5/8/2021: Now accepting Dogecoin for payment!) Now Accepting Cryptocurrency

(UPDATE 5/8/2021: Now accepting Dogecoin for payment!) Now Accepting Cryptocurrency

We are excited to announce our latest payment method - cryptocurrency!

At checkout you can now pay using your Coinbase account using the following cryptocurrencies (excludes subscriptions):




-Bitcoin Cash


Just added 5/8/2021: Dogecoin - accepted through our Coinbase wallet.

Over the coming weeks and months, we'll be attempting to add other cryptos for you to pay with including the almighty DOGECOIN (thanks Elon). We firmly believe crypto to be the future of decentralized currency and a new safe and anonymous way to make payments over the internet.  

We are always trying to find ways to make it easier and more secure for you, our community of coffee lovers, to enjoy our freshly roasted coffee and support a wonderful cause!

Much wow and love from the Perusona Coffee Co. team. <3

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